Peace On Earth

This month’s journey of the sun through the stars of Taurus is particularly significant as the collective north node is currently in the sign of Taurus, which means our souls are all trying to learn and internalize the highest wisdom of Taurus energy. Taurus is an earth sign and is ruled by sensuous peaceful Venus. Like the Ankh, the Egyptian symbol for “life” that represents its ruling planet, Taurus is a generative and creative energy. It exemplifies patience and tenacity, and it is willing to put in the slow and steady effort required to create and sustain things on this earthly plane. Taurus prefers to use positive reinforcement and gentle encouragement to accomplish their goals, using the attractive power of Venus to sweetly bring others to their side. Its shadow side of passive aggressive behavior can show though, when too much people pleasing and conflict avoidance leads to them become resentful and lash out.

The opposite sign to Taurus, where the collective South Node currently resides, is Scorpio. Scorpio is co-ruled by contentious and transformative Mars and Pluto. The collective south node represents the energies of karma and things we are being called on to clean up and work through. So all the war and division and destruction currently going on in the world represent opportunities for healing and unity. Howard Zinn once said that the biggest cause of current violence in the world is past violence. Taurus energy is here now to help us break that vicious cycle of suffering by bringing love and compassion to the wounded warriors on both sides of all these conflicts and divisions. Taurus is the sign of self-esteem and it is heart centered, capable of being a loving reminder to those mired in spirals of shame and anger of their higher selves. Hurt people hurt people, and now is a period where we are all called to be healers. Try to honor and follow your heart’s longings and you can be part of weaving peace in these troubled times and help us move towards the highest octave of Taurus energy, peace on Earth.

The peak of this energy is between May 11th and 17th, with the full moon on May 15th being the best opportunity to alchemize the violence in ourselves and in the world. The full moon on the 15th is on top of the Taurus/Scorpio nodal axis and in harmonious aspect to Mars and Neptune, which are conjoined in Pisces. This magic moment is an opportunity to dissolve into unity and resolve deep divisions if we choose to meet it with open hearts.