Gemini Soul Forecast 2022

On May 20th the Sun entered Gemini. Its planetary ruler Mercury is currently in a period where it appears to move backwards in the sky from our perspective called “retrograde” which began on May 10th and will end on June 3rd. Mercury retrograde periods are times when people’s attention is more focused inwardly, which is why retrograde periods are associated with an increase in accidents.

Communication may be fast and furious right now with the Sun in Gemini, but not necessarily clear due to the retrograde of Mercury. Confusion and miscommunication are hallmarks of Mercury retrograde periods, because when our attention is focused inwardly, those bridges of concrete communication are more difficult to build and more likely to collapse. The best use of Mercury retrograde is to make time for those things that benefit from this inward contemplative energy, like meditation or creative rumination and imagination. If you can make time for daydreaming and flights of fancy and fantasy, you will make the most of this energy. If you must complete tasks that require clear communication, make sure to check and double check that everyone is on the same page before signing on the dotted line!

After Mercury goes direct, we will get to a more traditional experience of Gemini. Gemini is a mutable air sign and likes to flit around from flower to flower like a social butterfly. Gemini sees both sides and is always gathering facts and reevaluating things, which makes them good reporters but not always the most loyal of companions. When their cost and benefit analysis shifts, your Gemini may suddenly flit out of your life. They need intellectual stimulation and a constant stream of new information, so if you want them to stick around, make sure those needs are met or that you are giving them the freedom to wander and satisfy their curiosities.

Some interesting dates this month:

May 29th: Mars and Jupiter are conjoined in Aries today and making a harmonious trine to the Moon and the Sun in Gemini. This can be a fireball of inspiration so try to keep up with the ideas that are springing into your head and get started on all those projects you’ve been putting off.

June 11th: Venus joins Uranus in Taurus today opposite to the Moon in Scorpio and close to the collective North Node in Taurus. Today offers more opportunities to resolve bitter oppositions and make progress towards deeper peace and harmony. If you can be spontaneous and creative today, great win win solutions can emerge that resolve longstanding conflicts.

June 16th: The Sun in Gemini is making a hard square aspect to Neptune in Pisces today. This aspect can make us prone to being deceived or to engaging in deception, so don’t believe everything you read today, and resist the impulse to play fast and loose with the truth. Today is a good day for creating poetry or music that relies on imagination, but not a good day to exaggerate or use “alternative facts” to try to win an argument or get yourself out of a bind.

Sedona Torres