The Truth About Boundaries


How many of you start setting your boundaries when you encounter a challenging person who exhibits behavioral patterns that are disruptive to your energetic field? Most of us start speaking of or realizing we need boundaries when we encounter the challenges…which puts us in the passive role….meaning we are utilizing our boundaries as a reaction. Anytime a person is reacting to a situation, that person is giving the power to the “challenger”.

Divinely speaking, the “challenger” is a great teacher for you because they indirectly help you become aware of your self, right? If you find yourself only placing boundaries down when a person triggers you to do so, then you have placed yourself in a powerless situation. Boundaries are never about the other person….it’s all about you. Most of the time, people use boundaries as a defense mechanism, when in fact we should be using them to help us build our sacred temple, aka space, that is supportive of our true self. The key in truly accessing the power of boundaries is by knowing yourself…outside of circumstances. Is this possible to do? Well, I’m of the belief that anything is possible if you align yourself with full consciousness. If you are afraid of challenging experiences and build walls according to what you don’t want then essentially you are creating your own prison based upon fear of circumstances.

Instead, let your boundaries support who you are as you take time every day to get to know yourself a little better. When you do, you will discover that some of those challenges will be less and your energy will not be placed with what you don’t want…but focused on what you do. Meditation (there can be many forms of this expression) and journaling on a continual basis is a great way to help yourself become more aware. With awareness comes great power to be able to know what is healthy for you and what you need for your life.

Does this mean that if you were to positively implement your boundaries in a non-reactionary way that you will never encounter a “challenger”? Probably not, BUT you would probably find that your state of disruptive flux would be less because you are making better choices that are supportive for you and you would need that “challenger” way less to teach you about yourself. And when the “challenger” does remind you of something…you then will be that much more empowered to know what you still need to work on. Someone who devotes their energy to something outside of themselves is a person who still has so much to learn about themselves. Don’t let the “challenger” distract you…when you focus on YOU and not the “challenge” you will begin dissolving fear.

I’m not all saying this journey is easy at the beginning…getting to know your true self takes devotion, courage and tenacity to strip away beliefs that have been nurtured in your life either through family dynamics and cultural experiences. But doing it is so worth it.

As an empowerment coach, my job is to help people on this journey to strip away the dis-empowering behaviors and beliefs and discover the raw truth of your self and give it light and power so your journey through life is a more pleasant and successful one.
