Cancer Soul Forecast 2022: Born again on the 4th of July

The sun entered the sign of Cancer on June 21st. Cancer is a cardinal water sign, meaning it is the most emblematic of the watery flow of our emotional energy. It is ruled by the Moon whose gentle tugging instigates the tidal cycles that govern the ebb and flow of our moods.

This year’s trip through Cancer began with a great wave of emotional anguish after this fundamentalist packed Supreme Court has taken away hard won rights for the first time. The resurgence of white supremacist and misogynistic energy that Trump led has reached its peak now, creating a great division between those who value equality and progress and those who value only their own power and control. Cancer rules mass consciousness, and these regressive actions will never be sustained in a country where 75 percent of the people disagree with them. The state sanctioned violence against women that has now begun will ultimately backfire, as all totalitarian movements that lack popular support do, once enough people who have been disengaged from our political process are radicalized and activated by the brutal imposition of these hateful ideologies.

You can do charts for countries based on the date of their founding, and the United States of America were born on the 4th of July making us essentially a Cancer nation. For us to truly reach our potential then, the energy of Cancer needs to be honored and embraced here and women need to be elevated and allowed to lead. If we look to the astrological age of Cancer, between 6480 and 8640 BC, we see the script flipped on the patriarchal culture we have been currently suffering under. The vast majority of cultures then were matriarchies, and woman were the central decision makers and were worshiped as goddesses. The Neolithic Revolution that took place during this time was really the beginning of modern civilization and it was led by the nurturing and unifying energy of these ancient female leaders. That we now have been turning our backs on female rights and dishonoring the emotional bonding energy of Cancer in this country is a bad sign for our civilization, indicating a quickening of its potential collapse.   

This 4th of July is marked by squares with Mars in Aries squaring Pluto in Capricorn embodying the tension filled fight for the rights of individuals (Mars in Aries) against the oppressive rules and laws recently promulgated by the patriarchy (Pluto in Capricorn). Neptune in Pisces is also square to Mercury in Gemini as many question the basic rationality (Mercury in Gemini) of the Christian fundamentalism being promoted by this Supreme court (Neptune in Pisces). The Sun in Cancer is also square to Chiron in Aries as we begin to hear stories of molested and abused women and children forced against their will to carry the babies of their rapists and feel the devastating emotional impact of these decisions on real women and girls whose rights have been stripped (Chrion in Aries).

In my opinion, it is only through a broad increase in actual spiritual practice and resultant direct spiritual experiences that we will break the fever dream of blind fundamentalism gripping this nation and come together on this issue. When someone has truly tasted the expansiveness of unity consciousness, experienced the limitless energy of the soul, and directly connected with souls on the other side, they will know that fighting over a lump of fetal cells in someone else’s womb is absurd. That the soul considering incarnation in that moment is the energy least in need of any intervention or assistance if it is decided that the time is not right yet for them to come into this plane.  The unborn soul resides in a place of liquid signing starlight that is the pinnacle of connected ecstasy. And on that magical astral plane, time doesn’t exist, and soul agreements can be easily restructured and rescheduled for a more opportune moment. Those who beat their chests and lament for the imagined suffering of some unborn soul show a fundamental lack of experience with and understanding of spiritual realities. The truly Christ conscious person wanting to support life would turn their attention instead to the hard soul work of creating a just and equitable society on this Earth. They would work to create a world where all beings can flourish and thrive, and where the decision of whether or not to bring a new life into this world is much easier to make in the affirmative. They would be just as active trying to control guns and protect the environment as they would to improve economic opportunities and health care for mothers. Again, this is just my opinion, but it is rooted in direct mystical experiences I’ve had as a result of personal spiritual practice. It is my wish to all that we may begin a process of spiritual rebirth on this 4th of July that enlightens us and leads us away from division and suffering and toward a more perfect union.

Sedona Torres