No More Excuses!

How many times a day do you find yourself defending the mistakes you’ve made? A lot? How about from this moment on…don’t spend all of your precious energy and time working for your ego. Every time you put your energy into explaining yourself or defending why you made a mistake, you are supporting your fear. Yup, that’s right….your FEAR! The only reason why you would need to defend or explain it is because you fear…fear of making mistakes. The next important step is to ask yourself a crucially important question….Why are you afraid of making mistakes? This may be a section that has been heavily guarded…mostly by your ego…so accessing the answers may take awhile. Truly take some time (meaning a day(s), week(s)) to explore all the reasons why you would be afraid of making mistakes. This list could entail names of people, painful experiences maybe even social and/or cultural influences. When you are done assessing the reasons then make a choice…because it is all up to you to do this…no one else….to let it all go. Defending your fear is a waste of your time when you could be using it for something more empowering for yourself, like embracing your learning experience. Here are some simple empowerment steps to train your mind to work for you:

  1. Become aware of your triggers. Keep in mind even if the circumstances are outside of yourself, remember….this is all about YOU. I know you may be thinking it IS about the outside circumstances…BUT in all reality it’s about your feelings in regards to the trigger and that is what you should be more interested in. Your awareness of your feelings will lead you to the why. And most of the time, you will find that the trigger is only a mirror to remind you of the unhealed wound that has remained with you up until the moment.

  2. Congratulations….celebrate your awareness! This is a good thing…thank goodness for the mirror to show you what lies deep within yourself…so NOW you can focus on yourself. Gently catch yourself habitually reacting to your triggers….and make a choice to stop yourself from reacting and just be present with your “learning opportunity”

  3. If there is someone making you aware of the “learning opportunity” then allow your body to relax and have a heart of gratitude…there is nothing to defend….because the moment is all yours! Take it and thank it!

  4. Now in your process of awareness, when you discover that trigger and it is taking everything within yourself to just grin and bear it. Good….use all that energy to start creating more useful solutions to the stress you are experiencing….remember don’t give your power away to others ….use it for you (i.e. start making a change or plan to prevent those “learning opportunities” from continually repeating in your life.) Because it is pretty much guaranteed that this “learning opportunity” will keep coming back…sometimes even louder than ever.…..until you actually learn from it.

  5. Make a commitment to not make YOUR “learning opportunities” about everyone else or something else outside of yourself. Honor the opportunity that is right in front of you….and make something amazing with your awareness.

    I am in no way saying that this exercise is easy at first… fact…if you really do this exercise for a good 30-90 days….you’re gonna feel it, literally. You’ll probably feel tired at first because you will be doing the emotional work and backing it with physical change. This is one of the most powerful life changing things you can not let your ego run your life.

    If you need assistance or would like to dive deeper in this exercise, I’m available for appointments send me an email. Have an empowering day! -Sedona