Happy Full Moon

youtube video

This empowerment exercise is all about Illuminating the light on your dark insecurities. Use the power of the next Full Moon to ignite momentum to remove the heavy baggage that insecurities has brought to your heart and your reality. The following are some suggested steps that I hope will inspire you.

Things to do before the Full Moon Ritual:

  1. Bring your awareness to your insecurities (write them down on a piece of paper). Remember to not judge this process, just be open and even excited to go there in the awareness because with this will guide you in the next joyous step.

  2. Create an alter or a sacred space that is selected for this exercise (you can set this up ahead of time) that is a grand visual expression of happiness, joy and bliss. Make sure to satisfy all your senses with scents, colors, feelings that represent happiness for you.

  3. Also create a fire safe spot on your alter that will be used later on the Full Moon day

The time for you Full Moon Ritual:

  1. Do whatever ritual that is necessary for you to get into your most purest open space (meditation, prayer etc)

  2. Then light the candle to honor the beginning of your illumination ceremony

  3. Now take from the list you wrote regarding your insecurities and on a different piece of paper, write the exact opposite of what was stated in your insecurities (positive affirmations :I am Confident, I am Beautiful etc.) and place the positive I statements on your alter as it is surrounded by all the power of Joy you have designated on and in your sacred space.

  4. Now as you repeat out loud the positive I statements…you will be burning the paper of dark insecurities from the fire of your candle on the alter. Place the burning paper in the fire safe container.

  5. Feel free to repeat the positive I statements as many times as you need. When the negativity has been burned away I have a suggested mantra for you:

Fears and judgments have burnt away

The Light of the Moon is mine today

Breaking the spell and tearing the veil

My truth is now and my heart is well

And so it is!
